Kamala Kameleon
As the image art depicts, Kamala Harris should change her name to Kamala Kameleon. (With apologies to Boy George, you can...
Hitler’s Election Letter
Dear American Voter: Of late, several ill-informed Americans have been comparing Mr. Donald Trump to me. I resent that, for...
The Fraudulent Debate
In last week’s post, I wrote: “The debate between Trump and Harris is more significant for Trump since his margin for error...
Debate Strategy
The debate between Trump and Harris is more significant for Trump since his margin for error is lesser---Harris has the...
Letter to America’s Illegal Immigrants
Welcome to America! I, a person of color, immigrated to this country, legally, many years ago. I’m not here to criticize...
Dangerous Times
Five recent, seemingly unrelated, news stories reflect the dangerous times we’re in. (A) The handlers of the puppet Kamala...
Empty Shelves
First consider what the Trump Presidency accomplished between 2016 and 2020 [1]. LEAD AN ECONOMIC RESURGENCE Real GDP...
New Words Inspired by Kamala Harris
The recent transubstantiation of Kamala Harris from goofy Vice-President to Democrat “nominee” and her latest incoherent...
The Real Kamala Harris
“Kamala” is a synonym for Goddess Lakshmi in Hindu mythology. Among other temples, Kamala, presumably, used to visit the...
The MAGA Formula for Success
The GOP 2024 Platform details the vision the party has for America.[1] The graph below simplifies the vision into key...
Equality Alert!
Like many of our left-leaning sports reporters, I rejoice at the news that LeBron James has engineered his son Bronny’s...
July 4th: Economic Freedom Day
It is Independence Day and we rightfully celebrate the beginning of this great nation. Often, the discussion of our...
Three Unwise Donkeys
Japanese Proverb: Three WISE monkeys—Mizaru (See no evil), Kikazaru (Hear no evil), Iwazaru (Speak no evil) BOLD TOK Hindi...
Caitlin Clark: White Girls Need Not Apply
The current, openly racist pronouncements against the white, female basketball phenom Caitlin Clark by several left-wing...
The DEI War on Women’s Rights
The women’s suffrage movement in the U.S. is remarkable for many reasons. For me, its most striking aspect is how Black and...