
Kamala Kameleon

Kamala Kameleon

As the image art depicts, Kamala Harris should change her name to Kamala Kameleon. (With apologies to Boy George, you can...

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Debate Strategy

Debate Strategy

The debate between Trump and Harris is more significant for Trump since his margin for error is lesser---Harris has the...

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Dangerous Times

Dangerous Times

Five recent, seemingly unrelated, news stories reflect the dangerous times we’re in. (A) The handlers of the puppet Kamala...

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Empty Shelves

Empty Shelves

First consider what the Trump Presidency accomplished between 2016 and 2020 [1]. LEAD AN ECONOMIC RESURGENCE Real GDP...

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Equality Alert!

Equality Alert!

Like many of our left-leaning sports reporters, I rejoice at the news that LeBron James has engineered his son Bronny’s...

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