Atlas Shrugged (1957)—Ayn Rand
Elon Shrugged© (Timeless)—Paul Damien
A brainy, nerdy kid who stunned the world with his imaginative inventions! Adored by everyone, right and left…until he chose to challenge the status quo.
Soon, he was shunned and hated by: jealous billionaire competitors, the American SEC, the EU…and the legacy media for rehabbing Twitter to X to promote free speech.
“Enough, Humans!” Elon Musk finally announced, via his Starlink Satellite, as he ripped past infinity on his Space X Starship to seek intelligent, non-human life. “I’ll be back,” he warned ominously.
Who is Elon Musk?
Sneak Preview from Chapter 1
The Infant
A light breeze added to the somewhat cooler June air in Pretoria, South Africa—the temperature on the moldy thermostat in the entryway to Pretoria General Hospital hovered around 430F. The Caucasian man, in a checkered blue jacket, puffed vigorously one last time on his cigarette before stomping it under his brown loafers. He checked his watch: 8:42 a.m. He ran inside.
Spotting a nurse, who appeared to be in a hurry as she trotted on her flat soles, he jogged up to grab her elbow.
“Sorry, but where can I find Mrs. Musk…Maye Musk?” She’s—”
The brunette smiled, as she interrupted. “Are you Mr. Musk?”
He shook his head.
“Follow me.”
She led them to a patient’s room. “Have a look.” She pointed at the glass panel on the closed door. “Mum and baby are doing fine!”
The man peered inside. For the first time that morning, his nervousness gave way to a smile, as he eyed the sleeping infant.
“XY or XX?” He asked, turning to look at the nurse.
“XY.” She beamed. “Elon Reeve arrived on earth at half-seven.”
“Thank you,” he whispered, and sank onto the wooden bench against the wall. As she walked away, he reached into his jacket pocket for a notebook and pen and commenced scribbling. Periodically, stopping to ponder, his gaze fixated on the dull Exit sign by a stairwell door, he continued working.
He then skimmed through some highlights of what he’d compiled.
Mercury, Moon and Sun—the Dominant Planets
Cancer, Virgo and Gemini—the Dominant Signs
He stroked his somewhat unkempt beard and mumbled, “Clever as Newton and sensitive as Mozart?” His thick brows drew together. “Only time will tell.” He couldn’t wait to share with Maye his astrological analysis of young Elon Reeve’s future. He’d wait while mum and baby rested; after all, this was the most lucrative job he’d been commissioned as an astrologer.
The Bullies and Beatings
(The novella will be released as a series of chapters on boldtok.com and X Articles. Additionally, we’ll have Elon Shrugged moments posted as X blogs.)
The image art above has some subtleties for the curious reader. For instance, what do the seven rings imply?