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University Professor–mathematics/data science, novelist, martial artist, independent thinker, Emily Dickinson fanatic, animal lover.

July 4th: Economic Freedom Day

July 4th: Economic Freedom Day

It is Independence Day and we rightfully celebrate the beginning of this great nation. Often, the discussion of our independence and accompanying freedoms revolve around our political freedoms such as speech, assembly, religion, bearing arms, trial by jury, elections, etc. 

But I believe we need to pay more homage and attention to our economic freedoms.

If it is true that we own ourselves, and are not slaves, then our ability to freely engage in economic activity is a prerequisite. If you can’t voluntarily engage in economic transactions involving your labor or property, then you are not free.

Political “freedom” without economic freedom amounts to only having the right to vote for who your masters are going to be!

Think about our Revolution. “No taxation without representation”; the Boston Tea Party—these related to economic as much as political freedom.

Today, we have lost large portions of our economic freedom…

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Three Unwise Donkeys

Three Unwise Donkeys

Japanese Proverb: Three WISE monkeys—Mizaru (See no evil), Kikazaru (Hear no evil), Iwazaru (Speak no evil)

BOLD TOK Hindi Proverb:  Three UNWISE donkeys—Andha (See no truth), Behara (Hear no truth), Joota (Speak no truth)

The BOLD TOK donkeys represent the U.S. Democrats, since their party’s symbol, aptly, is an ass.

Three recent examples of the Donkey Party in action illustrate the extent to which this party has already bent the law in order to interfere with the upcoming presidential elections.

Student Loan Forgiveness

Joe B circumvented the Supreme Court ruling that struck down student-loan forgiveness. [1] [2]


Even the most unwise donkey should recognize that this bribe by the Donkey President is to gain the votes…

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Caitlin Clark: White Girls Need Not Apply

Caitlin Clark: White Girls Need Not Apply

The current, openly racist pronouncements against the white, female basketball phenom Caitlin Clark by several left-wing Democrat journalists, commentators and players are reminiscent of what the Democrat Party did to blacks during the Jim Crow years.[1]

Before I get to Ms. Clark, as a legal immigrant of color, who has travelled extensively, let me share some thoughts on racism.

Racism in the world

In India, where I was born, the caste system is at least as vulgar as racism. There’s no hope of changing that in India…ever. Blacks are viewed unfavorably in India. Instead of the “N” word, they use the “K” word—“Kulloo”, a derogatory Hindi term, to refer to Blacks. (In Hindi, ‘kala’ means ‘black’.) The interracial romance between an African-American (Denzel Washington) and an Indian-American (Sarita Choudhury), in the 1991 movie, Mississippi Masala, portrays some of this animosity.

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The DEI War on Women’s Rights

The DEI War on Women’s Rights

The women’s suffrage movement in the U.S. is remarkable for many reasons. For me, its most striking aspect is how Black and White women that fought the dual war—the emancipation of women and the abolition of slavery—are forever tied at the hip. In this regard, consider two women—one Black, the other White. The following is from the former slave Sojourner Truth’s speech Ain’t I a Woman? at a women’s rights convention in Ohio in 1851. “And then that man back there in the black … That man back in the black says that women can’t have as much rights as men because Christ wasn’t a woman. Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman. Man had nothing to do with him. Now if the first woman that God ever made was strong enough to turn this world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back and get it right side up again. And now they is [sic] asking to do it and you men better let them”.

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