Memorable Quotes
If the government can always print money, why does it need to tax anyone?
The three wise monkeys, with their paws appropriately positioned on their faces, visually convey the Japanese adage: see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil.
Replace the wise monkeys by three unwise donkeys, each with one of the following traits: see no truth, hear no truth and speak no truth. These donkeys epitomize the U.S. democrats whose party’s symbol, aptly, is an ass.
Since when wasn’t white a color?
The individual is the ultimate minority, and the U.S. Constitution—the true Diversity, Equity and Inclusion concept—is its protector.
In order to gain votes, it’s sad and ironic that the Democrat Party is up in arms about a woman’s right to abortion when it has aborted women.
It’s as if some idiot DEI consultant advised the Association, “This is a black sport and we’re going to keep it that way. Whites need not apply.”
That might explain why a lot of these racist journalists are mad at Caitlin Clark. She applied, got in and outperformed every current player, most of them black, in women’s basketball.