The DEI War on Women’s Rights

The DEI War on Women’s Rights

by | Jun 8, 2024

The women’s suffrage movement in the U.S. is remarkable for many reasons. For me, its most striking aspect is how Black and White women that fought the dual war—the emancipation of women and the abolition of slavery—are forever tied at the hip. In this regard, consider two women—one Black, the other White.

The following is from the former slave Sojourner Truth’s speech Ain’t I a Woman? at a women’s rights convention in Ohio in 1851.

“And then that man back there in the black … That man back in the black says that women can’t have as much rights as men because Christ wasn’t a woman. Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman. Man had nothing to do with him. Now if the first woman that God ever made was strong enough to turn this world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back and get it right side up again. And now they is [sic] asking to do it and you men better let them”.

According to Truth, if you believe in a God, then, only “God” can define a “Woman.” Obviously, a “Man” cannot, and definitely not a “Man” that wishes to identify as a “Woman.”

If you don’t believe in a God but believe in Science, based off my Post, A Supreme Blemish, XY=Male and XX= Female. Period (No pun intended). You may wish to be the opposite of your genetic chromosome settled at conception, but as someone wisely remarked, “Wishing don’t make it true.”

Truth tried to put into practice her words from 1851. She was removed from a polling booth in Battle Creek, Michigan when she demanded she be allowed to cast her ballot in 1872.

Sarah Grimke left her home in South Carolina, because she couldn’t stand the way slaves were treated by her family. Consider this quote from her Letter VIII, page 54.

“…female slaves suffer every species of degradation and cruelty, which the most wanton barbarity can inflict; they are indecently divested of their clothing, sometimes tied up and severely whipped, sometimes prostrated on the earth, while their naked bodies are torn by the scorpion lash. ‘The whip on WOMAN’s shrinking flesh! / Our soil yet reddening with the stains / Caught from her scourging warm and fresh. /’ Can any American woman look at these scenes of shocking licentiousness and cruelty, and fold her hands in apathy, and say, ‘I have nothing to do with slavery’? She cannot and be guiltless.” (Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, and the Condition of Woman. Sarah Grimke—1838.)

It would be nearly another five decades before the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified on Aug 26 1920, giving women the right to vote.

Throughout the entire time between 1776 and 1920, men who wished to identify as a woman could have done so and still cast a ballot.

One should forever be grateful to those who fought for equal rights for all men and women, including everyone in the LGBTQ+ group, legally residing in the United States, regardless of race, religion, sex or color. But now, in the year 2024, the grotesque Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) movement wants to reverse all that we as a society gained. Most noteworthy during this time of national opprobrium is a toxic notion being circulated in social circles: trans men are the same as women in all respects; therefore, they should be allowed all the rights unique to the latter.

In 1923, the National Women’s Party proposed the Equal Rights Amendment to eliminate discrimination on the basis of gender.

I highlighted “gender” since gender was and should always be a synonym for a person’s sex. The DEI fanatics like to draw a distinction because, they argue, gender allows someone to identify themselves as a woman or vice-versa. But regardless of how many sex altering treatments they may undergo, biologically, XY ≠ XX.

Discrimination is an anathema in any society. Anyone should be free to identify as trans and one should respect that choice. No trans-individual should be denied the rights available to all legal Americans. And reprehensible acts of violence against them, which are many, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. To be sure, they are a minority group. Only roughly 1.6% of the U.S. population identify as trans, which is less than the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust.[1]

But trans men shouldn’t be allowed to interfere with women’s singular rights. It’s unfair and sullies everything women like Truth and Grimke fought for.

Focus on some trans men that want to invade those spaces which uniquely belong to women. Such men expect to participate in women’s sports so they can finally “win” at something; demand to join sororities to satisfy peeping fantasies; expose themselves in women’s locker rooms, etc.

Take sports for instance. You don’t hear of trans women wanting to join the NFL, except maybe as a kicker, simply because it’s too dangerous. The NFL men are athletic freaks compared to women; well, perhaps, Ronda Rousey is an exception.

But why is it okay for some trans men to be allowed to participate with women in swimming, running, golf and other competitions? Surely, they must know they have a competitive advantage at the outset, for they are biologically stronger, despite all the female hormonal treatments they may undergo. Isn’t it ironic that trans women, by their actions, don’t discriminate against men, but trans men do so against women? Once again, women are being targeted by a small group of self-centered trans men, aided by the DEI bunkum which is a cornerstone for the woke left-wing agenda. That is discrimination against women.

When commonsense is deliberately set aside for political convenience, elected officials should be disbarred from holding public office.

It was appalling to see Democrat representatives on Capitol Hill demonize Riley Gaines when she testified on behalf of women.[2] Gaines is an athlete and a first-rate competitive swimmer. Surely, she, rather than the woke DEI congressmen and congresswomen, should know what it would be like to compete against Michael Phelps if that Olympic swimmer had declared himself to be a woman! Can you imagine the ceremony during the women’s swimming events at the Olympics? “And our gold medalist for the 100 meters free style is Miss Phelps.” The national anthem plays. “And our gold medalist for the 100 meters butterfly stroke is Miss Phelps.” The national anthem plays. Tiring with this farce, the judges get together and announce, “We hereby declare Miss Phelps the Gold Medalist for all swimming events at this Olympics…and the next one…and the one after…and, indeed, as long as Miss Phelps wishes to compete as a woman.” Following that momentous declaration, the national anthem would sound like a funeral march instead of a victory tune. But it doesn’t stop at sports with the DEI crowd.

The DEI mob targeted the author J.K. Rowling, because she castigated the DEI movement for setting back women’s rights. Some Scottish politicians even threatened to arrest her for hate crimes and racism.[3] How hollow rings the word “racism” these days, when you consider what courageous women like Truth had to go through! This crazed DEI mob even questioned Rowling’s ability to understand her own Harry Potter stories. Were it not for the fact the DEI cultists are prone to temper tantrums in the form of staging ugly protests on college campuses, defacing beautiful works of art, blocking roads, etc., it would’ve been easy to ignore their brazen idiocy.

And this mob needs to ask: how often do they hear of women, including trans women, sexually assaulting men? Almost never. The only exceptions are the few female school teachers that have been arrested for affairs with minors. But can we even begin to count the number of men, including some trans men, that are responsible for sexual assaults against women? And yet, this throng, backed by the Democrat Party, think it’s “cool” to target accomplished women like Gaines and Rowling.

Do some trans men who try to interfere with womanhood even think for a moment that their “cause” is as important as women’s rights? If they do, it’s shameful. Instead of hormonal treatments, a lobotomy might prove more useful.

Susan B. Anthony was arrested for casting a vote in the 1872 presidential election. Before her sentencing, the judge allowed her to speak. She said, “…you have trampled under foot every vital principle of our government. My natural rights, my civil rights, my political rights, my judicial rights, are all alike ignored.” When a $100 fine was imposed on her, she added, “I shall never pay a dollar of your unjust penalty,” and she never did. None of the rights Anthony listed in her reply to the judge is violated for any trans male in the U.S. That’s because they will always be men—XY.

No U.S. President from 1872 onward pardoned Anthony. But on August 18, 2020, it was that supposed criminal, misogynist U.S. President, Donald Trump, who posthumously pardoned Susan B. Anthony on the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment.

In order to gain votes, it’s sad and ironic that the Democrat Party is up in arms about a woman’s right to abortion when it has aborted women.

This was most transparent when the recent (Black) Democrat Supreme Court justice, Ketanji Jackson Brown, refused to answer the question, “What is a woman?”, during KBJ’s confirmation hearing.

The former, Black slave, Sojourner Truth, appeared in my dreams and told me to ask KBJ, “Ain’t you a woman?”





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