The Real Kamala Harris

The Real Kamala Harris

by | Jul 27, 2024

“Kamala” is a synonym for Goddess Lakshmi in Hindu mythology. Among other temples, Kamala, presumably, used to visit the temple shown in the background. I’ve been to that temple, called AshtaLakshmi, located in Besant Nagar, Chennai (formerly Madras); it was built to worship eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi. The Hindus consider Lakshmi to be the goddess of wealth; later, we’ll see how Kamala became rich.

Kamala’s image in an Indian sari and a Jamaican head decoration for women symbolize her heritage.

 The George Will Perspective

Before he succumbed to the Trump Derangement Syndrome, I held the columnist George Will in high esteem. His flair for wit used to be first-rate, and I lamented seeing its erosion…until this week.

In his old, inimitable style, Will succinctly summarizes Kamala Harris in the Washington Post[1]:

“An English person once said of another, ‘He has risen without a trace’. If only that could be said of Harris, the helium candidate, lighter than air. The eerie strangeness of her public maunderings will live as long as YouTube enables the savoring of her streams of semi-consciousness about space, school buses, broadband in Louisiana, Poland and NATO’s northern flank, nations working together by working together, the border (‘We have a secure border’) and equity (‘Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place’).”

But the larger thrust of Will’s column has to do with the Democrats not allowing a contest for a nominee to replace Biden. He indicates that they’re going against their own bylaws:

“Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them (emphasis added). Shall, not may. It is a duty.”

Kamala Harris’s Record of Corruption

Peter Schweizer’s book is a must-read, given what transpired in America recently.[2]

Chapter 2 of the book dissects Harris’s career: here, I highlight a few portions from it, but they don’t do justice to Schweizer’s work.

Schweizer starts by recalling an event with ultra-wealthy donors in Atherton, CA.

Barack Obama, after winning the reelection in 2012, addressed the audience which included Kamala Harris who was then CA’s attorney general. After stressing her devotion and intelligence, Obama added, “She also happens to be by far the best-looking attorney general in the country.”

And that was the start of a treasured relationship between the two stalwarts of corruption, spanning years, from which they mutually benefited, both financially and politically.

Among Harris’s many atrocities, Schweizer painstakingly describes one of the worst ones in CA’s legal history—the national sex scandal involving the Catholic church. Despite a mountain of evidence against rogue priests in San Francisco:

“From 2011 to 2017, as California’s AG, Harris, never brought a single documented case forward against an abusive priest…To put this lack of action in perspective, at least 50 other cities charged priests in sexual abuse cases.”

“Her actions represent the ultimate form of leveraging power in the criminal justice realm—deciding not to pursue criminal charges.”

Harris didn’t charge a single priest. Why?

The wealthy alumni that had attended the famous Catholic St. Ignatius College of Preparatory School (including the Paul Getty clan kids), and the Archdiocese of San Francisco, had poured money into Harris’s political campaign. She covered up the scandal altogether!

The scandal would’ve conflicted with the network of bribery and nepotism she had built with her boyfriend Willie Brown who, one could easily argue, was Kamala’s mentor in the art of corruption.

U.S. District Judge Charles Legge addresses Brown’s clout and dishonesty:

“I thought it was only in third world countries that people were forced to pay bribes to get services they’re entitled to from their government, but we find it right here in San Francisco.”

Harris was known to take money from defendants, even though her office was suing them!

Gavin Newson ran for the Mayor’s office in San Francisco when Harris was running for the DA’s office. Among the many illegal and improper practices that the two employed, one included forcing city cleaning crews to do political work on their behalf.

Joe Biden’s recent Executive Order 14019 takes that one step further. It’s a wily attempt to get all government agencies to engage in massive election interference in 2024. The wording in Sections 3, 4 and 9 of the Order is obfuscating legal-speak that essentially conceals the assistance Joe B’s government grubbers can provide to illegals so the latter can vote.

Do you think Gavin Newsom’s order this week to get rid of homeless encampments in all the cities in CA a coincidence? I think not. Newsom is heading for D.C. if Harris wins.

You see how deep the Democrat Party’s corrupt practices run.

Kamala Harris, who came from modest means, lived a lavish life with Willie Brown’s help, as they bent the rules of the CA legal system.

This is no different in principle than what the Obamas did.

Birds of the same feather do flock together.

In 2010, Harris won the AG election in CA by less than 1% of the 9.6 million votes cast. Let that sink in. We’ll never know if that had been rigged. Given her track record for deception, one should rationally conclude that to be a possibility.

And now, do you think she and the Democrat Party machine are incapable of doing the same in the 2024 presidential race, especially if the races are tight in the swing states. Déjà vu!

Schweizer ends the chapter with this quote:

“Harris used her powers as a prosecutor to leverage her rise to power, and to protect corrupt allies and friends. But sometimes leverage is exercised through the proxy of family.”

Schweizer’s book is so meticulously researched, one would have to be as stupid as Joy Reid to not conclude that Harris should’ve been indicted on multiple criminal charges years prior.

And instead, the Democrat Party has orchestrated the impossible—Harris is now the Party’s presumptive nominee for the President of the United States in 2024.

We are no longer like a banana republic; thanks to the Democrat Party, we are one.

The Poster-Woman Kamala Harris

If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an insufferable dunce, then Kamala is the exponent of AOC. A small sampling may be viewed here.[3] And yet, Kamala Harris, in a matter of days, is now the poster-woman for the Democrat Party.

As far back as you want to go, be it the days of slavery, Jim Crow, Wilson, Roosevelt, the 1960 election, LBJ, Hillary, super delegates, bouncing Bernie Sanders, the Russia Hoax, etc. the Democrat Party has been and is corrupt.

Significantly though, they are thoroughly corrupt at just governing themselves, as the Biden ejection illustrates. What do you think they have been like governing you? As they grow the size and power of government the spoils of corruption grow as well.

The candidate is irrelevant as Biden demonstrated. Kamala Harris is an accident in the Democrat Party’s history who happened to be aimlessly wandering around the White House when the Biden coup happened.

It does not matter from what part of a poisoned well you draw a cup of water, the result is the same.

Democrats are corrupt and the Democrat Party is corrupt absolutely.

White Man vs. Black Woman

The biggest difference the MSM will push leading up to the election: White man vs. Black woman.

Kamala is of mixed race and is officially an Indian-Jamaican. She identifies herself as a Black woman, and that’s her right.

But she needs to ask herself, “since when did one parent’s race become unimportant in a mixed marriage?” Where did the DNA and chromosomes come from?

I cringe anytime I hear the left-wing sports media refer to Patrick Mahomes and Tiger Woods as Black. They are of mixed race. I suspect that’s why, in some interviews, both have tactfully deflected discussions pertaining to their race—they obviously care as much for their non-Black moms as they do for their Black fathers.

The Democrat Party and the MSM build these unnecessary divisions just to create friction where none is needed.

One of the cruelest racist tendencies is to erase the identity of one parent in a mixed marriage; we have the “Other” and “Multi-racial” categories on personal data forms precisely for situations like this.

But Kamala Harris, aided by her Party, will use this DEI, color-based, race card via the MSM and others in the Party’s political machine to hound the Trump-Vance ticket as White.

To which I would ask: “Since when wasn’t White a color?”


[2] Peter Schweizer (2020) Profiles in Corruption, Harper-Collins, New York.


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