New Words Inspired by Kamala Harris

New Words Inspired by Kamala Harris

by | Aug 10, 2024

The recent transubstantiation of Kamala Harris from goofy Vice-President to Democrat “nominee” and her latest incoherent blathering on a multitude of topics[1] had me searching for a one-word summary of her essence. That word is “vacuous”.

The dictionary defines vacuous as 1. emptied of or lacking content; 2. marked by lack of ideas or intelligence; 3. devoid of serious occupation. And there are derivatives, “vacuousness” and “vacuity” which deal with the state of being vacuous, but there is no single word to convey being very, very vacuous.

Given the flexibility of the English language (e.g. virtuosity, virtuoso), the magnificent degree of vacuousness displayed by Kamala Harris, and with a nod to Ambrose Bierce’s The Devils Dictionary, we propose the following addition to the English language and dictionaries:

vacuosity \ vac-u-o-si-ty\ n (2024). 1. the skill of being vacuous

  1. a defining trait of Kamala Harris

vacuoso \vac-u-o-so\ n (2024). 1. A person who demonstrates a high level of skill at being vacuous   2. Kamala Harris


As always, we use a new word in a sentence:

  • Kamala Harris’s vacuosity leads many to wonder just how easy law school must be.
  • Kamala Harris is a vacuoso. Her emptiness has been seldom equaled by humans with active brainwaves.



1 Comment

  1. Rema Sunder

    Don’t know about her much Paul


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